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0300 222 5764
Monday - Friday: 9.30am - 1.30pm
Monday - Thursday: 8pm - 10pm
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Helping Mothers Thrive In the Face of Perinatal Mood Disorders
1 in 4 women in our community suffer from a perinatal mood disorder (which means from conception to 18 months post-birth). They feel isolated and reluctant to talk about what they are experiencing due to stigma, lack of knowledge, or misunderstanding from those around them. Menucha is here to help.
​At Menucha, our priority is your well-being. We are committed to giving you the help and care you deserve.
We offer support in the form of therapy sessions with our specialised perinatal therapists, and help people navigate their NHS treatment.
​​All you need to do to access our help is either;
- call our confidential line on 0300 222 5764
- or email us at
​​Take a look around this website to learn more about the signs and symptoms associated with different perinatal mood disorders and the various ways we can help you.
You can also see what people have said about us by reading testimonials and first hand stories from those who have used our services. These highlight the positive outcomes and lasting change that Menucha makes possible.
Plus, we have some wonderful resources for you including our podcast series, magazines and information for family and friends that are both informative and useful.
Number of people supported to date
Increase in Awareness within the Community
Community partnerships
Hours of specialised therapy per month